It is our favorite time of the year... Easter! Ellie and Evie got dressed in their Easter finest and headed over to Ba's and Opa's for their first egg hunt of the season. Ellie is wearing her Kardashian fur coat that Aunty Lillian gave her for Christmas.
The twins have their baskets ready and are on the hunt!
Evie attempts to give her sister a hug but Ellie is transfixed by what's in her basket.
Cute smiles with Ba!
By the time we got around to a family pix, the kids' interest is waning in taking pictures, leading to two disgruntled parents.
Ellie's new thing is going to the freezer and straining to open it so she can get some ice cream. She's also developed an awesome pouty face when she doesn't get the ice cream that is quite hilarious.
Later the kids did some dancing to the Hallmark machine's chicks doing "We got the Cheep", that 80s classic.
One good picture with Ba and Opa? We'll take it!
Evie was very involved in an equal distribution of goodies between the two sisters' baskets. And this is just the beginning of a great season!
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